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Term 3


Across Term 3 and 4 our topic is ‘Bright Lights, Big City’, which is a unit focused on geography learning. To begin this unit of work, we explored the United Kingdom and the four countries that made it up. We discussed the location of each of the four countries on a map and identified the capital city for each. Children created and labelled their own maps to show their understanding of this knowledge.

Following on from this, we began to explore human features and physical features. Children have begun to develop a good understanding of both and can explain that human features are man-made objects whereas physical features are natural elements. To secure this knowledge we completed a range of activities identifying and explaining key features in the United Kingdom.

Spanish Bulls are looking forward to using their knowledge to begin to learn about the city of London next term.


Spanish Bulls have really enjoyed their English learning this term. We have been learning about postcards, and creating our own ones. To begin the unit, we explored what postcards are, and why people send them. We discussed that these are often short notes that people send while they are on holiday or in a different location than usual. We began by learning a model text, along with actions to help support our understanding of the layout and structure of a postcard. Our model text was about a trip to the city of London, so children also began to discuss key landmarks at the same time. Once this was secure, we continued to develop our knowledge by examining the key vocabulary used in our model text and learning these.

Once we were confident with the model text and structure, we worked as a class to make simple changes to the text and produced a new postcard. We split this text into smaller sections and wrote individual sections each day. Finally, Spanish Bulls were given the opportunity to use their knowledge to plan and write their own postcards to their own chosen recipient.


Throughout the term, we have been focused on numbers to 20 in our Maths learning. Within this unit, Spanish Bulls began by focusing on partitioning a given number into groups of tens and ones; and children used this method to identify and count numbers using ten frames. Following this, we returned to the concept of identifying one more and one less than a given number. Children were able to use their prior knowledge of this skill and apply it to larger numbers up to 20. We then explored how to compare groups of objects and identify which group was greater and which one was less. Finally, we focused on identifying and ordering numbers using a number line up to 20. Spanish Bulls have learned key skills this term that will support their learning as they begin to work with numbers beyond 20 later in the year.



At the beginning of Term 3 we began our ‘Seasonal Changes’ science unit, which will continue throughout Term 4. This unit explores the changes that occur across each season and examines how these changes affect the weather, animals and plants. To begin the term, children wrote their own predictions for the changes that they think will happen as the season changes from winter to spring. Children explored the four seasons of the year, and key points about each one.

We then turned our focus onto tress, and we explored the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. Children examined what changes happen to each type of tree as the seasons changes across the year. We used this knowledge to describe the leaves of both deciduous and evergreen trees. Finally, we considered the changes that deciduous trees go through across the year and wrote sentences to describe the key changes in each season.




This term, our RE learning has focused around a key question: ‘Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?’. To begin the unit, we explored what friendship is and sorted various pictures into two groups: things a good friend does and things a good friend does not do. Following on from this, we began to explore three key stories of Jesus: The Story of Zacchaeus, Jesus Stills the Storm and the story of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Throughout each of these stories, children were able to recognise how Jesus showed friendship to others around him. Following each story, children discussed and explained how he showed friendship to others and if it was easy for him to show friendship to others. Spanish Bulls enjoyed this unit and have had some fascinating discussions about friendship.

Term 2


Spanish Bulls have been working very hard this term in their English lessons. We began the term by continuing the riddles unit we began at the end of Term 1. Children used the information they had gained throughout the previous term to write their own independent riddles.

After this unit had finished, we began a unit on non-chronological reports. Children were introduced to a model text, which we all learned, with actions to support. Building on from this, we focused on key vocabulary from within the text, and the structure of the text. We then moved on to plan and write our own reports featuring facts from life in the present day.


Spanish Bulls have been working hard on developing their part-whole knowledge to support addition and subtraction. Children explored how to use a part-whole model to partition a given number into two smaller groups. Building on from this, we used our knowledge of the part-whole model to begin to learn how to write number sentences and fact families. Once everyone had developed this skill, we began to explore how to use a part-whole model to find a missing part using a range of resources including counters, ten frames and number lines.


Spanish Bulls have continued their learning within the ‘Childhood’ topic this term. We began the term by exploring and researching various facts about life within the 1950s, including what school was like, how children dressed and what forms of entertainment were available for people. To explore this topic further, we then examined how different childhood was in the 1950s. Children were able to discuss various differences between children in the present day and childhood in the past.

To conclude the topic, children explored how areas have changed between the 1950s and the present day. We explored a given map of an area, and discussed the features we could identify on it. We then compared this with another map, from the same area, and noted all the differences that have occurred over time.


Spanish Bulls have worked very hard throughout this term to prepare for their Nativity performance. We began by learning the Christmas story, exploring the main events of the story and creating a storyboard to sequence them. Following on from this, children were able to write sentences to describe and explain what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Once we had developed our understanding of the story, we began to prepare the roles and songs for our wonderful performance. Everyone worked hard and tried their best to put on a great performance – they should all be proud of themselves.


Spanish Bulls have been working on their unit of ‘Shade and Shelter’ this term. The focus of the unit has been to gain an understanding of what shelters are, how they are used and which materials they can be made with. To begin the unit, we explored a variety of shelters and discussed which materials would be most suitable to build shelters with. Following on from this, we designed our own shelters using a design criteria and then created miniature models of these using a range of junk modelling resources. Finally, we finished the unit with our school trip to Forest School, where we were able to build larger shelters using a range of natural materials.


Everyone has been very engaged in the Science unit of ‘Human Senses’ throughout the term. Children have been able to develop their knowledge to gain a better understanding of how humans use their senses to function. We began the term by exploring the basic parts of a human body. To do this, we worked in small groups to draw a life-size outline of a body, and each member of the group labelled various body parts.

Building on this learning, we then counted the amount of each body part we all have, and created simple Venn diagrams to compare ourselves with a partner. Children were able to identify various similarities and differences between themselves such as eye colour, hairstyle and height.

Finally, we have been developing our understanding of each human sense by completing various tasks focusing on each sense individually. Spanish Bulls have enjoyed this unit and are looking forward to more Science learning next term.

Term 1


Spanish Bulls have been working hard to learn features of two genres of writing this term. To begin with, we explored the genre of autobiographies. Firstly, we learned a model text, with actions to support our understanding. Once everyone was confident with the features of this text, we began to make changes to produce our own versions of autobiography writing. This was a challenging piece of writing, but there were some wonderful pieces produced.

Following this, we began to explore the genre of riddles. We learned two short model texts to support our understanding of this genre. We focused on creating adjective word banks to use when writing our own riddles.



To begin Year 1, we have been focused on the ‘counting to 10’ unit within our Maths learning. Within this unit, we have focused on securing our knowledge of counting to 10 – children have created number tracks to support this learning.

We have also explored the concept of ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ using numbers within 10. Children have been able to identify one more or one less than a given number using a range of manipulatives to support.

Finally, we explored how to compare numbers, and learnt key vocabulary including ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’. Children have used a range of methods to develop their understanding of comparing numbers – including how to use the correct symbols for this vocabulary.



Our Science learning this term has focused around everyday materials. To begin the unit, we explored a range of materials and began to describe these orally. We then embarked on a materials hunt around the school grounds to observe which materials can be seen in our environment.

Once we had begun our learning journey, we then explored the difference between natural materials and human-made materials. Children have become confident in giving examples of both types of materials, and can identify a range of these.

Finally, we explored how to group materials together based on their type and also based on their properties.

Spanish Bulls have worked hard in their Science learning this term, and have really enjoyed it.



To begin our Childhood topic, we first explored a range of historic toys and discussed the uses of each one and how they compare to todays toys. After exploring toys, we then began to focus on families and we learned how to create a family tree. Children were given a blank tree template to assist them in creating their own unique families trees.

Next in our learning journey, we explored the six stages of human life from baby all the way to elderly adults. We create a simple timeline to support our understanding of this life journey. We then were able to put our knowledge of timelines into use by creating our own timelines using photographs from each of our lives.

Finally, we all chose one event that was important to us in our lives and wrote simple sentences to describe why it was important. Spanish Bulls really enjoyed this activity as they were all keen to share their important events with each other.



Our Art focus this term has been on the style of portraits. To begin, we all produced our own portraits using a range of media, including paints, crayons and pencils. We then explored the concept of collage making, and children were given a face template to decorate with various facial features to create a funny face collage. Finally, we explored the work of various artists, and created thumbnail sketches of a range of interesting portraits. Spanish Bulls have been very enthusiastic about this unit of learning.



Spanish Bulls have been learning all about Christianity this term – focusing specifically on the Christian creation story. Children discovered, and discussed the events of each day of the creation story, and why this story is important to Christians. Children have been learning how to re-tell the story, and have created their own creation story wheels to support their re-telling of this story. Finally, we have explored different ways in which people treat the environment – children had to sort scenarios into two groups: positive and negative ways to treat the world. Children have been able to explain how they think God would like Christians to treat the world.



In PE, we have focused on two units this term: running and team building. In the first unit, we have been developing the correct technique used for running, and completing various games to support this learning. Next, we learnt what it means to work together in a team. Children have been given a range of challenges, and they have had to work together in small groups to attempt to solve these. This unit has supported the development of communication, trust and teamwork.

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