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  • Carols Around the Tree and The Christmas Fayre

    Fri 14 Dec 2018

    This year ‘Carols around the Christmas Tree’ opened with a whole school, hearty rendition of ‘Oh Holy Night’, setting the festive atmosphere for all the pupils and their families. All classes performed their own special song, which they had been busy rehearsing throughout Advent. Years 1 and Reception gave a moving performance of ‘We want to tell you a story’, whilst Year 2 provided a Christmas tableau of the Nativity, with readings from the Christmas Story. The children had worked so hard to learn all of their lines, and delivered them to perfection, reading clearly and fluently, whilst also managing a touching rendition of Little Donkey.


    The upper school sang beautifully, delivering traditional carols ‘Away in a Manger’ (Canadian Bears) and ‘Whilst Shepherds Watched their Flocks’ (American Eagles). Year 4&5 provided a poignant version of ‘Do You Hear What I Hear?’ before a rousing chorus of ‘We Wish You a  Merry Christmas’ invited all pupils, staff and parents to close the performance. Thank you to everyone involved, and we hoped you all enjoyed it as much as we did.


    A fantastic festive Fayre was held after the ‘Carols Around the Tree’ on the final Friday afternoon. The Fundraising Team served up tasty treats, warming drinks and novelty items for all of the family, whilst also organising the Christmas raffle with plenty of presents for everybody. It was very well attended by pupils, staff and family, and raised a very successful £710.58. A huge thank you to is offered up to everyone in the Fundraising Team, for their efforts at the Fayre and across the whole school year.


  • Whole School Trip to the Pantomime

    Thu 13 Dec 2018

    The whole school went on a trip to the local Hazlitt Theatre to see the pantomime ‘Aladdin’. The children experienced the 63 year old theatre with their peers and teachers and enjoyed a traditional pantomime with all the favourite characters from Aladdin. The story saw Aladdin journey to find Princess Jasmine using his trusty lamp and the Genie to help him; with of course the typical dancing and singing involved in a traditional pantomime. The children enjoyed joining in with the singing, dancing and audience participation that is encouraged at the pantomime.  


  • Year 3 Scrumdiddlyumptious Tea Party

    Tue 11 Dec 2018

    This term’s topic was Scrumdiddlyumptious and the wonderful world of food. The children’s hard work culminated in a tasty topic day, when they all created a tea party, and invited along some special guests. The children made sandwiches, frosted flake cakes, broccoli and cheese muffins, fruit kebabs and others treats and drinks. For the finale, both classes sang carols for their guests,  providing festive entertainment for their fantastic feast. The children had so much fun creating the invitations for the day,  designing the menu, cooking up the treats and finally sharing in the celebration of their hard work!

    What a scrumdiddlyumptious delight!


  • EYFS Trip to Forest School

    Thu 06 Dec 2018

    English Lions had a fantastic day exploring the woods as part of their ‘Woodland’ topic. They warmed up by the fire and enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate drink and toasted marshmallows. A highlight of the trip was going on a bear hunt and finding a life sized bear in his den! English Lions also had a great time climbing trees and carefully balancing on logs. They had such a good time they are already asking when they can go back!


  • KS2 Football Tournament at Greenfields- Thursday 29th November

    Wed 05 Dec 2018

    On Thursday 29th November, KS2 took part in a football tournament at Greenfields Community Primary School. It was our first outing, as a school, to a pre-organised football tournament. All of the teams we played consisted of Years 5 and 6 pupils; our team was made up of pupils from Years 4 and 5. Although we didn’t win the tournament, we played the game amazingly! Our Man of the Match for this tournament was Leon!

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