Distinctive - Arts
Specialists in Creative and Performing Arts
We are extremely passionate about the contribution that the Arts can make to an individual’s self esteem and confidence. When a pupil is happy and has a sense of worth and purpose, their effort and enthusiasm in all subjects grows, as does their achievement. Therefore we aim for every child to:
- Plan and partake in an annual Arts festival and/or school production.
- Learn to play a musical instrument during school time with no extra charge.
- Take part in a weekly enrichment activity to explore and develop their own gifts and talents, for example in photography, cooking or website design. These sessions will take take place in mixed aged groups so that pupils will have the opportunity to meet with children from across the school and learn how to teach others younger than themselves.
- Participate in intra-school sports activities with additional opportunities for inter-school events. We also offer a wider range of sports activities available to all genders, including swimming in year 4.