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Year 3 & 4 Handball Tournament

Jubilee Primary School took part in the Year 3 & 4 handball tournament at Greenfields School, Maidstone. The team, comprised of five Years 3s and four Year 4s, took to the courts and played some lovely handball matches. Jubilee didn't win a game, but we showed some excellent teamwork, integrity, sportsmanship and determination. After every game, they were straight over to the other team to shake hands and congratulate them on their win. The children's behaviour was impeccable and they were a real credit to our school. The day was made even better with the fantastic sunshine we had; it certainly helped the children enjoy it even more. A special mention must go to Jude, who was awarded JPS sportsman of the tournament. We were very impressed with Jude's sportsmanship and quick feet, which enabled him to get through formidable defences. Well done again to team JPS.

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