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Term 2 

This term Scottish Owls have dived into the topic Marvellous Machines. The overarching theme of this topic has been designing and creating machines as well as learning more about household machines that are useful to us. The children have had great fun being engineers and inventors using our junk modelling area to bring their ideas to life.

The books that we have studied this term in our English sessions have been closely linked to our topic. We have explored themes such as failure and success and what to do when we fail. The children have had great fun learning the texts and creating actions. It has been incredibly rewarding to see how the writing has come along in our class along with the children’s ability to read.

In mathematics we have been exploring 3D and 2D shapes. First, we looked at 3D shapes and experimented with them discussing how they react when manipulated and why. After this, we explored the properties of 2D shape and how they can be manipulated to form different pictures and also which 3D shapes can be used to print 2D shapes. Children have learnt the differences between a shape having a curved edge and a shape that has a straight edge. Recently, we have been looking at the concept of more and less within 5. This means that children have been able to understand the terms more and less and how this relates to a given number.

This term has also given us some rich cultural opportunities whereby we have been able to express ourselves through singing and dancing for our school nativity as well as moving like robots to different songs.

Term 1

Fine Motor Skills

We have had a great start to term one in Scottish Owls. Each day children arrive and choose a fine motor activity to engage in. These activities support children’s small muscle development in their fingers which supports correct pencil grip and further helps to develop and improve writing skills. A firm favourite in our class is the playdough!



Phonics forms the basis of reading. Children learn a new sound each day, building on what they have learnt the previous day. This knowledge is embedded through repetition and cross curricular links where children are able to practise their sound recognition and letter formation in almost every activity throughout the day. Focussed adult-led groups help teachers to provide guided support to each learner in the class.



In English children learn a text through actions and visuals. The texts that we have been learning this term are Mr Gumpy’s Outing and ‘We are going on a Bear Hunt.’ These texts have links to our theme Let’s Explore. The children have also thoroughly enjoyed creating their own texts with the original story as a template. One of the stories included Mrs Lindenberg having a house in the sky and a helicopter! What fun!



Our mathematics concepts have been developed this term through active learning whereby children have been able to move, dance and sing throughout the day to embed what they would have learnt on the carpet. Mathematics, like English is embedded throughout the day and children have plenty of opportunity to practise their skills both inside and outside. This term’s favourite has been hopscotch, while counting to 10.



In EYFS we enjoy exploring outside both on the big playground and in our outside area. We play with the cars and bikes; explore the mud kitchen, sand and water tray; look for bugs in the bug hotel; play ball games and complete imaginative games with the construction toys. Through both adult-led and child initiated activities we develop skills needed for life such as: sharing, communication and learning to tidy up after ourselves.

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