Vision Statement
Our vision is to foster a love for learning, equip children to live life skilfully and create positive memories.
Love for Learning: Through an exciting, dynamic education, Jubilee school stimulates a child’s naturally inquisitive mind, instilling a love for learning. We provide a safe environment in which individuality is valued, diversity is celebrated and a strong sense of self-worth imparted.
Equipping to live life skilfully: We foster early character development, enabling children to identify, explore and realise their potential; thereby empowering them to take ownership of their learning and behaviour.
Create positive memories: We promote physical and emotional well – being through inspiring a love for the Arts and sport. We provide access to explore and learn in a classroom without walls.
Dedicated Teachers: Our school has enthusiastic, dedicated and empathetic staff, with a passion for teaching. They provide a safe environment in which learning is fun.
Our Nature is to Nurture: Staff and parents/carers collaborate; working towards the common goal of every child excelling and making progress. A strong family ethos is central in providing an environment in which trusting relationships are cultivated.