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English: Intent, Implementation and the Impact 



At Jubilee Primary School, English is at the heart of our curriculum. We intend to equip our children for life with a strong focus on oracy, reading, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation so that they can use these key skills in unlocking their potential across all areas of the curriculum. We prioritise reading and focus on developing linguistic competence to ensure that all children can use written and verbal communication effectively for future success. Our reading across the History and Geography projects are intended to ignite our children’s interest in English. Giving children exposure to engaging and ambitious texts and providing them with the opportunity to write across a variety of genres, link to their learning across the curriculum, thus giving them the cultural capital they need to navigate the next stage of their lives with confidence.

We aim to raise literacy levels through its teaching of other curriculum areas to fulfil the requirement that children should be able to read fluently and with confidence and write for a range of purposes.



In order to achieve our aims, we have a rigorous curriculum framework which provides purposeful opportunities for reading, writing and discussion.



We promote speaking and listening as a foundational element of literacy, emphasising building vocabulary and developing language. This begins in Early Years and Key Stage where we place great significance on interactions. These are based around discussion, using ‘Design, Create, Reflect’ to support children with explaining their learning and using ambitious and key vocabulary. This gives children the foundations to support them to give well-structured explanations and descriptions as they progress through the school. Children are encouraged to communicate collaboratively in conversations around topics, maintaining focus and responding confidently and appropriately. We aim for children to be confident speakers, with opportunities to practice this with sessions such as ‘Big Teach’ and ‘Big Think’.   




We use a systematic, synthetic approach to teaching phonics following the Read Write Inc. Programme. We assess the children’s phonic knowledge and understanding regularly and provide intervention at the earliest opportunity if necessary. This programme works alongside the large amount of work we do in Reception to ensure that children develop the necessary skills of sound discrimination, phoneme and grapheme correspondence, oral blending and segmenting.

Parents are introduced to the programme through parent meetings which demonstrate how we teach phonics and are encouraged to access further support on the Read Write Inc. website:


Reading Fluency and Comprehension

We use high quality texts to motivate and inspire children, which are linked to the concurrent topic in order for children to link their learning and work in a cross-curricular way. We use class texts which run alongside our topic to create interest, enthusiasm and a love for reading. These texts form the base for discussion and analysis, extending children’s understanding. They also allow children to explore new vocabulary and language structures. During 30 minute guided reading sessions, children have the opportunity to explore their understanding in a small group with their teacher, as well as read aloud and develop fluency. These sessions work alongside the Complete Comprehension programme, which breaks down the complex process of comprehension into separate comprehension skills studied over a period of time and rehearsed throughout the year. In addition to this skill-specific instruction, Complete Comprehension prioritises vocabulary expansion and the pre-teaching of vocabulary as a prerequisite for successful comprehension.

We place significant emphasis on children reading regularly at home in order develop a habit for reading as well as encouraging children to explore a range of text types that they enjoy. We use Accelerated Reader from Year Two onwards so that we can track if a child is fully comprehending what they have read. Children begin reading the book twice, not only to ensure that they have fully comprehended what they have read but also to develop their fluency. Children take responsibility for their own learning by choosing their own book within a range that they have been assessed as being the optimal range for their ability designed to challenge as well as grow their confidence. These books are regularly refreshed in order to ensure that it offers a range of current and quality texts.



At Jubilee Primary School we explicitly teach grammar, punctuation and spelling. These skills are then fed through into the work produced within English lessons where the genres taught are linked with topics. We are developing our Talk for Writing approach, allowing children to imitate language structures through the use of models orally, before reading, analysing and then writing their own version. Children take responsibility for drafting and editing their work before completing a final piece. During this process, children complete guided writing sessions with their teacher where the teacher will feedback to the children in order to move their learning forward.



From Year Two onwards, we follow the Read Write Inc. Spelling programme. This allows children to build on the prior phonic knowledge using similar strategies. Children receive specific spelling sessions focused on a spelling rule, rehearsing these progressively with regular spelling tests, which include exceptions and irregular spellings alongside. Teachers will then reiterate these spellings when children complete their cross-curricular writing through their marking and feedback.



Jubilee Primary School understand the importance of supporting children to develop their fine motor skills and this is a focus from entry in Reception. Once appropriate, children begin to learn pre-cursive letters. From Year Two, children are then taught in a systematic way, how to join some of these letters. Classes complete three handwriting sessions per week where they will learn these specific letter joins. Children are then encouraged to replicate this learning across their work in other areas of the curriculum.



With these elements in place, our aim is for all children to have a good command of the English language and key skills which are transferable. Children will be able to use the key skills they have learnt in order to write in a range of genres with creativity and the use of ambitious vocabulary. Their writing will be well-structured, clear, technically accurate and they will be able to use appropriate levels of formality. Having nurtured their confidence, children will be able to communicate effectively through discussion and be able to articulate their opinions. All children will be confident readers, who can discuss information and knowledge they have read and will have developed a love for reading for pleasure. Children will leave our school with sound literacy skills to support them with their high aspirations.


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