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Jubilee Primary School


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Our school is a mainstream primary with a faith ethos and open equally to children of all backgrounds, regardless of faith.


We aim to develop the character of every child and equip them for lifelong learning through a broad and balanced education comprising personal development, leadership skills and inquiry based learning. These aspects coupled with a strong work ethic and an enriching, inspiring learning environment make us confident that every child will achieve their best.

A school should not be a preparation for life. A school should be life.

Elbert Hubbard


Our passion is to foster an excitement  and love for learning across all areas of the curriculum, drawing out and developing each child’s individual gifts and talents.


At the core of our vision is the premise that the quality of relationships experienced by a child during their primary schooling has a deep and lasting impact on their future development. Our core values define the way we will care for, enrich and teach every child at Jubilee Primary School.


If you are looking for a new approach to Primary Education that will deliver an inspirational, innovative and nurturing learning experience for your child, then Jubilee Primary is for you.  Please feel free to pick up a copy of our Parent Handbook from the Reception.

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