Term Dates and the School Day
The School Day
Our doors are open between 8:30am and 08:40am. All children are to arrive during this time.
7:40 to 08:30 Breakfast club - paid wrap around care for all year groups.
8:30 to 08:40 Children arrive and go to class.
On a Friday, it is dancing on the playground to wake us up at the end of the week and to ensure we have some fun together!
8:45 to 09:00 Registration
9:00 to 09:30 Assembly
9:30 to 11:30/12:00 Morning activities
11:30 to 13:00 Lunch service
12:30/13:00 Afternoon activities
15:00 Dismissal Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
15:10 Dismissal Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
15:15 to 16:00 Extra-curricular Clubs - These are on specific days and are open to children from
Year 1 onwards.
15.00 to 18.00 JPS ‘After School Club’ - paid wrap around care for all year groups.
Hours per week:
EYFS - 32.5 hours
Key Stage 1 - 32.5 hours
Key Stage 2 - 33.3 hours