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High Five Rules

At Jubilee Primary School, we follow our 'High Five' rules and make the right choice!

Relationships are central to the ethos of Jubilee Primary School so our approach to behaviour, and equipping children to manage their emotions and behaviour, reflects this.  We believe that our behaviour policy should enable practitioners to teach children strategies for managing their own behaviours and to develop intrinsic motivation to do the right thing. This coupled with our key vision statements of respect, compassion, service, manners, putting others first, giving our best, perseverance, honesty, integrity and forgiveness, will equip them not just for school; but for life.


At Jubilee Primary School, we have created our "High Five" rules based on our ethos.  We recognise that it’s important to reward those who consistently follow the rules and act as role-models to others.   


Our behaviour policy details further information on our "High Five" rules.

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