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Term 5

Year 4 have enjoyed going back in time in our new history topic, Ancient Civilisations. In term 5, we focused on the development of Ancient Sumer, the oldest civilisation in the world. We learned how people settled by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and began to farm the land. We discovered important Sumerian inventions such as the wheel, the plough and Cuneiform (the earliest known system of writing). In the last week of term, we had a go writing our names in Cuneiform using sticks and clay. Next term, we will move on to studying Ancient Egypt.



In English, we began the term by studying free verse poetry. We linked this with our topic work by reading the Ancient Sumerian temple hymns. These free verse poems were written by a princess called Enheduanna who is the world’s first author known by name. She wrote poems speaking to temples. We copied her structure, but instead addressed the school. We structured our poems to write about the exterior of the building, the interior and the people. The class managed to use a range of descriptive features such as expanded noun phrases and similes. They have written some beautiful poems. We are now writing a set of instructions explaining how to mummify a body as a start to our study of Ancient Egypt.




In term 5, we have focused on fractions. We have learned how to convert fractions from mixed numbers to improper fractions. We have added and subtracted fractions. We have applied all our learning to solve reasoning problems and multi-step problems.

The majority of the class have mastered all of their times tables and are developing their recall time. Our multiplication check is in June shortly after we get back from half term, so please keep practising at home!



Other news:

In Art, the class have been learning about Islamic art. We have experimented by creating geometric motifs and star designs in our sketchbooks. For our final piece, we created a relief sculpture using clay. First, we sketched a design incorporating our prior learning, then we sculpted our pieces. The children enjoyed working in clay.

We were very fortunate to have two trips in our final week of term 5! First, we spent a morning in Wagamama getting to try different foods and learning a little about Asian cultures. On our last day of term, we had a great trip to Chatham Memorial Synagogue. This trip helped consolidate all our learning on Judaism that we have done this year. The children had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and got to see Torah scrolls and an Ark.

Term 4

Year 4 have continued with our Geography topic, ‘Misty Mountain, Winding River’. We enjoyed sharing what we had learned at the start of term in our class assembly. We moved our focus from rivers to mountains. We discovered more about mountains and mountain ranges in the UK as well as famous mountains around the globe. We learned about features of mountains and how mountains can be shown on a map. We have continued reading our class text, ‘Running on the Roof of the World’, and it has allowed us to find out more about what life is like in Tibet.



In English, we studied explanation texts. We began by exploring our model text about the water cycle. We identified the key features such as a heading, subheading, a diagram, a glossary, etc. We each chose something we knew a lot about to write an explanation text to inform our readers. We created plans to help us structure our texts. Together, we hunted for fronted adverbials in a range of texts so we could use these in our pieces of writing. After a lot of hard work, we have created a range of useful explanation texts. We have explained processes such as the life cycle of a butterfly, how to make a toasted sandwich, how to score a bullseye in darts and how to score a goal in football.



Multiplication and division has continued to be our main Maths focus in term 4. We applied our times table knowledge to multiplying two-digit then 3-digit numbers. We used part-part-whole models to learn how to divide larger numbers. We also practised dividing with remainders. It is a lot easier to solve these problems if you know all your times tables. Half the class have now earned their times table badge – well done! We will keep focusing on times tables as our times table check is coming up in June. In our main Maths lessons, we are now learning about finding the perimeters of shapes.



In science, we have been studying classification and grouping. We studied what is meant by classification and taxonomy. We tried sorting animals into different groups based on their characteristics. We identified the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. We then subcategorised vertebrates into their five categories – mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians. After, we subcategorised invertebrates into annelids, molluscs and arthropods. The children have enjoyed exploring the weird and wonderful animal kingdom.

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The class have been doing well with their swimming lessons this term. They are growing in confidence week by week. They have thought a lot about how to stay safe in the water. In their other PE lessons, they have taken part in dance lessons with Mrs Kosatko inspired by cats. They have worked well in partners and have been able to give each other feedback to improve their performance.


We have had a few special dress up days this term. The class enjoyed World Book Day and we had a range of sea creatures and explorers in the classroom that day! They worked in teams to come up with sound effects to our story, ‘Flotsam’. We then shared the story and sound effects with the reception classes. English Lions and Scottish Owls really enjoyed it! We also had fun on Neurodiversity Day. We tried some challenging activities that really got us thinking. We also liked dressing to reflect our individuality.

Term 3


Year 4 have started our new Geography topic, ‘Misty Mountain, Winding River’. We have begun by focusing on rivers. The children have studied the different sections of a river as well as how rivers change the landscape around them. We have used atlases to locate famous rivers around the world. As well as thinking globally, we have turned our focus locally to discover more about our local river, the River Medway. In the last week of term, we got to go on a walk by the riverside. The class observed how people used the river as well as the wildlife that live there.


In English, we have linked our writing to our topic. We began by writing a diary entry for a river trip along the River Nile in Egypt. The children tried to include lots of descriptive features to make their writing more interesting. We are also focusing on improving our presentation and handwriting. After our diary entry, we moved on to studying an information leaflet. We have learned that information leaflets are used to persuade people. We are now planning our own leaflet to persuade people to visit the River Medway.



We are currently focusing on multiplication and division in our maths work. We have looked at patterns for learning our times tables and finding different methods to practise and reinforce our learning. We are learning to apply our times tables to reasoning problems and multi-step problems. We will continue to go in to greater depth with our multiplication and division next term. We continue to test times tables weekly. More children have won their times table badge in term 3 for mastering all of their tables – well done!



In science, we are studying states of matter. The class have sorted materials into solids, liquids and gases and thought about the different properties of each state. We have gone into greater detail by exploring particles and how they behave. The children enjoyed demonstrating how particles are arranged in solids, liquids and gases. We have thought about how materials can change state when the temperature changes. This will link to our future learning on the water cycle.

Other news


The Year 4s have had fun in their PE lessons focusing on gymnastic skills. It is great having the hall for our gymnastic lessons. The class have tried to come up with different bridges, both independently and in pairs. They have also practised forward rolls and how to give constructive feedback to each other.


In our art topic, Vista, the class have studied landscapes. The children looked at and studied examples of different artists’ work, making comparisons between techniques. We studied atmospheric perspective, (how objects further away appear lighter, while objects that are closer appear darker). We tried this technique in different mediums. We experimented with charcoal and watercolours.


Term 2

Year 4 have enjoyed continuing their topic work on ‘Invasion’. We moved our focus onto the violent Vikings, as they began invading Britain in 789AD. We looked at the infamous raid on Lindisfarne and why the Vikings targeted monasteries. We studied how the Anglo-Saxons responded to the Vikings, and particularly on how Alfred the Great prevented them from taking over all of England.  The class have managed to comprehend a lot of topic-specific vocabulary and studied both primary and secondary evidence to deepen their understanding.




We have continued to link our English work to our topic of Invasion. We began by studying some Norse myths that informed us about Viking life and beliefs. We took the myth of Thor fishing for Jormungand and used this as inspiration to plan our own myth. Each child created their own story map and used this to write a myth. We revised how to punctuate direct speech to make sure we could include it in our writing. The class managed to create some wonderfully imaginative myths!


This term we have been studying addition and subtraction using 4-digit numbers. We have practised exchanging across place value columns in order to calculate accurately. We then moved on to word problems and multi-step problems involving addition and subtraction. To help us understand the problems, we have used different diagrams such as bar models and part-whole models to visualise the questions. We are also continuing to practise our times tables in class and have been learning songs to help us remember them. We complete a weekly times table test and some children have nearly completed all their times tables already. Well done!



In Science, we studied sound. The class observed how different instruments produced sound and in each case there needed to be vibrations. We observed sound waves and how the shape varied depending on the type of sound. We then studied the structure of the ear that allows us to hear sounds. The class drew their own diagrams of the inner ear including the pinna, ear drum and ossicles. Lastly, we have learned that sound is measured in decibels and experimented with muffling materials to change the decibel level.

Other news


Year 4s have enjoyed continuing with their swimming lessons at Larkfield Leisure Centre. They have made great progress so far. In our other PE lessons, we have focused on football. We have developed our teamwork skills as well as improving dribbling, passing and turning during a game.


In our Art topic, Warp and Weft, the class learned all about weaving. We began by studying the history and key terminology. We made our own looms from cardboard and used them to weave ‘mug rugs’ to sell in the Christmas Fair. We created some very impressive weavings.

Term 1

Year 4 have got stuck into our new topic – Invasion! We are learning about the different groups that invaded Britain over the years, concentrating on the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. This term, our focus is on the Anglo-Saxons. We have explored why they came to Britain and the kingdoms they established. The class discovered more about the Sutton Hoo burial and what this could tell us about the beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons. We have also started reading our class text, ‘The Saga of Erik the Viking’.



We have focused on Anglo-Saxon poetry this term. We started by reading a section of the famous poem, ‘Beowulf’. The class looked at how the English language has changed and developed over time. We enjoyed acting out the poem – especially the battle between Beowulf the hero and Grendel, the monster. We moved on to drafting our own poems, which also told the story of a battle. The class worked hard to use descriptive language such as adjectives, expanded noun phrases and adverbs.



This term we have been studying place value in 4-digit numbers. The class have been looking at the value of digits within a number and focused on how to round number to the nearest thousand, hundred and ten. The Year 4s are also trying hard to learn their times tables. The children complete weekly timed times table tests to prepare for their end of year multiplication check.



We are currently learning all about the digestive system. We began by studying the animal kingdom and how different animals require different foods. We created food chains and looked at food webs, which show how food is eaten within an ecosystem. We then moved on the specifics of the human digestive system. We learned about the journey food takes through different organs in our body so we can absorb nutrients and get rid of waste materials. We set up a practical (and slightly gross) demonstration of the digestive system, which helped us see how it all works in action.


Other news:

Year 4s have enjoyed the start of their swimming lessons at Larkfield Leisure Centre. Some children are quite new to swimming, and they have shown bravery and perseverance in their lessons. It has been wonderful to see the class growing in confidence in the water already. In addition to swimming, we have enjoyed playing tag rugby in our PE lessons.


We were fortunate to have the opportunity to go on a local trip to a nursing home. The Year 4s went to Pilgrims’ Way Nursing Home to sing their harvest songs for the residents. The staff and residents at the home were very happy to see us and requested an encore of the Potato Song! Hopefully, we will have other opportunities to sing there again in the future.

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