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Term 2

African Elephants have continued with their history topic, ‘Invasion’, this time moving their focus from the Anglo-Saxons to the Vikings. We studied the Vikings first terrifying visits to the British Isles, their conflicts with the Anglo-Saxons and how they eventually lived alongside them. One of the highlights of our history work was the Viking immersive day. The class enjoyed dressing up, carving Runes and preparing to battle the other Year 4 class!



In our final English piece of the term, we have created non-chronological reports to answer our history enquiry question, ‘How did the Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions change Britain?’ It has been an opportunity for the children to show off all they learned in their history work and to make comparisons between the two invading groups. Children have used key, historical vocabulary and produced very informative reports.



In maths, we have studied addition and subtraction using 4-digit numbers. We have practised exchanging across place value columns in order to calculate accurately. We then moved on to word problems and multi-step problems involving addition and subtraction. We are also continuing to practise our times tables in class. We complete regular times table tests. Eleven children in the class have passed all of their times tables already and earned their times table badge. Very impressive!



In Science, we explored sound. The children got to investigate how instruments produced sound and different ways they made vibrations. We looked at sound waves and how they show the pitch and volume of sounds. The class enjoyed carrying out an investigation to try and muffle sound using different materials. We measured the sound of a shaker using a decibel metre and thought about how to carry out fair tests.


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In RE, the children have studied the nativity story. We thought about symbolism and the different symbols we see at Christmas time. The class learned about the symbols in a Christingle and how it explains the meaning of the nativity. We made our own Christingles and got to show them in the KS2 carol service.


African Elephants got to do some weaving to make mug rugs for the Christmas Fayre. We used cardboard looms to weave yarn in and out of our warp threads. We made some lovely mug rugs. Some children made extra at home that we were able to sell at the fayre.

Term 1 

Year 4 have got stuck into our new topic – Invasion! We are learning about the different groups that invaded Britain over the years, concentrating on the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. This term, our focus is on the Anglo-Saxons. We have explored why they came to Britain and the kingdoms they established. The class discovered more about the Sutton Hoo burial and what this could tell us about the beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons. We were very fortunate to have a zoom call from Anglo-Saxon historian, Dr Marc Morris. The children enjoyed asking lots of questions. We are looking forward to discover how the Vikings changed Britain next term.


We have focused on Anglo-Saxon poetry this term. We started by reading a section of the famous poem, ‘Beowulf’. We enjoyed acting out the poem – especially the battle between Beowulf the hero and Grendel, the monster. We moved on to drafting our own poems, which also told the story of a battle. The class worked hard to use descriptive language such as adjectives, expanded noun phrases and adverbs. We are working on improving our presentation and using consistent cursive handwriting.


This term we have been studying place value in 4-digit numbers. The class have been looking at the value of digits within a number and focused on how to round number to the nearest thousand, hundred and ten. The Year 4s are also trying hard to learn their times tables. The children complete weekly timed times table tests to prepare for their end of year multiplication check.



We are currently learning all about the digestive system. We began by studying the animal kingdom and how different animals require different foods. We created food chains and looked at food webs, which show how food is eaten within an ecosystem. We then moved on the specifics of the human digestive system. We learned about the journey food takes through different organs in our body so we can absorb nutrients and get rid of waste materials. We set up a practical (and slightly gross) demonstration of the digestive system, which helped us see how it all works in action.



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Year 4s have enjoyed the start of their swimming lessons at Larkfield Leisure Centre. In our other PE lessons, the children developed their tag rugby skills. They thought about strategy and how to work effectively as a team.

Term 6 - 2023/24


American Eagles have been becoming quite the little writers this term! The children have studied two more genres of writing to add to their staggering list of other genres studied through this year, myths and poems, making that twelve different genre!  We’ve continued to use our Topic subject of the Romans as a focus for writing. We studied a myth called “Jupiter and the Bee,” which was quite lengthy, but the children seemed to enjoy studying it. We’ve also put our hand to writing our own Roman poem which was a challenge, but the children did well to attempt rhyming couplets and historical contexts.



We have been learning how to measure in litres and millilitres and we now know that 1 litre equals 1000ml. As we moved on into fraction work, we learnt that fractions are split wholes into equal parts and that helped us to add and subtract fractions. Then we moved onto learning about money, the value of British coins and how to use our knowledge to calculate the cost of things. Towards the end of the term, we have been studying Time, starting with the use of Roman numerals and then comparing analogue and digital clocks before learning how to tell the time.



We have been revising our work on plant nutrition and reproduction and have been learning more about light, including recognising that light is needed to see things and that there are a range of light sources. Now we can explain that dark is caused by the absence of light. We can also identify reflective materials and select the most reflective material for a purpose such as which material to use for our lollipop lady’s outfit. Week 5 was Science week and the children researched and wrote about a scientist of their choice.

In Art, we have been studying mosaics. We have seen that mosaics have been used through the ages starting around Ancient Greece and today there are many places where we see mosaics. We designed our own mosaic borders and made a miniature mosaic with coloured foam pieces. We are looking forward to visiting the Roman museum in Canterbury at the end of term where we will see some of the beautiful mosaics that have been preserved over the years.


Other news:

American Eagles participated in all the activities in our KS2 Sports day this year, including the sack race, relay races, javelin and long jump. In lessons, they’ve learnt more about playing cricket and tennis and teamwork! In Jubilee University this term, we studied healthy minds with a focus on Independence and respect. Our class has produced some interesting and entertaining Big teaches through the year and this term shall see the last few children presenting theirs.

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