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Safeguarding Update

Jubilee Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. We expect all members of our school community to share this commitment. We are all alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow agreed procedures to ensure that all pupils and families feel supported, protected and can be kept safe.


Although school is currently closed, our safeguarding support is still available to all members of the Jubilee Community who may have a concern about the welfare of a child, or who may consider that they might benefit from some extra family support services.


Direct designated safeguarding support provided by one of our Safeguarding Leads detailed below;

Mrs Marilyn Nadesan, Headteacher -Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Valerie Barlow, Assistant Headteacher -Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Laura Payne, Assistant Headteacher - Designated Safeguarding Lead


Please telephone 01622 808 873 during school during opening hours.

Alternatively you can contact them by e-mail on:


If you feel you need extra support, you can access services directly on:


If you have a concern about the welfare of a child, you can call social services on: 03000 41 11 11 (text relay 18001 03000 41 11 11) or email

If your concern is out of hours and in an emergency, call: 03000 41 91 91.

If you have a serious concern, you can call Kent Police on:

101 (non-emergencies)

999 (emergencies)


Further information provided below is included to support families during this period. The ideas and resources shared here are useful and should be used in accordance with parental discretion.


Support for Family Wellbeing 

  1. For advice on supporting your family during this period of lockdown, please click here.  
  2. Please click here for advice around supporting your child should their behaviour change during this unsettling time. 
  3. Here is the ‘5 Ways’ to Wellbeing poster.
  4. Visit the BBC's Tiny, Happy People website which has ideas and activities to keep busy:


Resources to Help Explain the Coronavirus

  1. Click here for an e-book to get more information about the virus.
  2. Click here for ‘Dave the Dog’ - a book about Coronavirus published by School Nursing. 
  3. Click on this link to access the ‘Children's Guide to Coronavirus’, published by the Children's Commissioner

  1. Here is an e-book entitled 'Where did Everyone Go?' to help explain the lockdown situation.
  2. Here is a short cartoon about the lockdown called ‘Time to Come in, Bear’.


Visit our Online Safety page for more guidance and support with online learning for your child:

E-Safety Update


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