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Jubilee Primary School


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Personal development: Enrichment

Develop behaviours and habits to become effective learners

Big 3 at Jubilee


Big Think is all about our children:

· Having a voice

· Improving their speaking and listening skills

· Developing confidence as they become effective communicators

· Turning facts and statistics into a strong argument.

Through Big Think our children learn to make reasoned arguments, listen to others, give clear explanations and support each other.



Twice every term all children are immersed in a Big Write on the topic that they have been exploring. Children are focused and are given the opportunity to practise their spelling, punctuation and grammar.



It has been said that people remember 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see but 90% of what they teach! Children are given the opportunity to teach their class an area of their choice, developing confidence and communication skills, whilst also cultivating respect and empathy for their peers’ contributions.


Clubs and Activities

We offer an extensive range of after-school clubs. These take place immediately after the rest of the school is dismissed. Examples of clubs are: athletics, rugby, book, art, dance, film, tennis, gymnastics, etc.


Educational visits, themed days and cultural experiences are promoted to enrich our curriculum so that all children are offered a range of visits which are connected with work in the classroom. We make visits locally and further afield, have themed days and invite visitors into school from the wider community.


Develop the character and moral compass of our pupils   

Our school community models, teaches and promotes a range of values that we need to demonstrate in order to become good citizens of the world. We think carefully about the value, explore it in learning and demonstrate this whenever we can. Pupils are expected to take on positions of responsibility around the school, as we believe that children understand values by seeing them in action in others. These include: School Leaders, Ambassadors, Sports Leaders, Eco Leaders and House Captains.


Jubilee University

  • A well-structured approach, organised over four separate weeks of the year is provided, giving children the opportunity to work specifically on the softer skills that are not explicitly covered in the curriculum, but are integral to being  ‘Equipped for Life’.
  • Each activity is focused on developing every child’s integrity, respect, manners, honesty, perseverance, compassion, co-operation, independence and doing things with excellence.



We will hold collective worship for approximately 30 minutes every day. Assemblies reinforce our school values; support the delivery of PSHCEE and Citizenship through planned themes using the SEAL resources to cultivate the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children and also ensure pupils understand British Values. 


Our PSHCEE programme is also used within classroom teaching to support the development of the skills, attitudes, values and patterns of behaviour that enable pupils to form a sense of purpose, value self and others, form relationships, be active citizens within the local community, explore issues related to living in a democratic society and become healthy and fulfilled individuals.


Withdrawing a pupil from RSHE  

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory/non-science components of RSHE.


If a parent wishes to withdraw their child from the RSHE curriculum they must arrange a meeting with the Headteacher who will talk through their concerns and discuss the benefits of the school RSHE. If a parent decides to withdraw their child, RHE work will be provided for the pupil to complete separately in another class

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