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Faith Ethos

Excellence in Education, Equipped for Life

Jubilee Primary School opened its doors in September 2014 and is now a thriving mainstream primary school.


School leaders, governors and members of the Jubilee Primary School Trust have a clear and uncompromising vision for the school that promotes the achievement of every pupil within a caring community, based on Christian values. (Ofsted, 2017)


We aim to develop the character of every child and equip them for lifelong learning through a broad and balanced education, underpinned by our four key values: purpose, community, skilled for life and nurture. These aspects, coupled with a strong work ethic and an enriching, inspiring learning environment, make us confident that every child will achieve their best.


Our passion is to foster an excitement and love for learning across all areas of the curriculum, drawing out and developing each child’s individual gifts and talents. At the core of our vision is the premise that the quality of relationships experienced by a child during their primary schooling has a deep and lasting impact on their future development. Our core values define the way we will care for, enrich and teach every child at Jubilee Primary School.


Our aim is that children at Jubilee Primary School will:

  • have a love for learning,

  • feel safe and valued,

  • feel empowered to take ownership of their learning and behaviour,

  • develop the utmost respect for self and others,

  • form positive memories,

  • have a strong sense of purpose,

  • be responsible citizens within their local, regional and national communities,

  • exceed national expectations.

Our Christian faith ethos


The Christian beliefs underpinning Jubilee Primary School produce principles that will be applied in all parts of the curriculum: development of a passion for life and learning; pupils taking ownership of their learning and behaviour; taking responsibility for their actions; working respectfully alongside pupils with differing beliefs and backgrounds; developing a strong sense of purpose; understanding citizenship and taking responsibility for their local and global communities; involvement of parents/carers in the education process; equipping in skills with which pupils can live their lives.  All of these principles are inclusive and appropriate to pupils of varying beliefs and none.


Our faith ethos is drawn from our mainstream Christian beliefs and can be summed up by this phrase, also known as ‘the Golden Rule,


Love your neighbour as yourself. – Luke 10:27b, Common English Bible.


We celebrate diversity in the culture, beliefs, gifts and contributions of each pupil and see them as an asset to the life of our school. We provide opportunities for children to learn about different beliefs and how to develop acceptance and respect for others. Diversity and examples of differing worldviews are used to practically equip children how to interact with and positively contribute to their local and global community.


Overall our faith ethos only impacts our curriculum in terms of delivery. Key Christian values such as respect, integrity and compassion are of high priority; teachers not only encourage these values but model them – acknowledging that children are more likely to reflect the behaviour they see being modelled.

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