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Jubilee Primary School


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Admission Arrangements and School Tour

School Tour

Thank you for considering our school for your child. 

Please view our Video Tour here.

Click here to listen to the views of our school community.

Open Mornings

We will be holding Open Mornings for our September 2025 cohort on the following dates: 


Thursday 14 November 2024 at 10am

Thursday 21 November 2024 at 10am

Thursday 28 November 2024 at 10am


If you would like to join us, please complete the booking form below, ensuring you supply the following information: Child's name, Child's date of birth, Parent/Carer name, address, telephone number and date you wish to book.


Once you have signed up for the open morning you will receive a confirmation email.

Open Morning Booking Request

Please include your child's name, child's date of birth, Parent/Carer name, address, telephone number, email address and date you wish to book.

Admission Procedures


September Admissions 2025

You may apply for a reception year place at Jubilee Primary School for the September 2025 intake from November 2024.


Your child is eligible for a place at Jubilee Primary School if they were born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.


You can apply online through the Kent County Council website or by post and not through the school.  Applications will open in November 2024.  Exact dates and full details of how to apply will be available on the Kent Count Council website when applications open.  You can apply for up to 3 schools, putting them in order of preference. It is in your best interests to list 3 schools. Naming only one school does not guarantee your child a place at that school or give your child priority for a place over another child, neither does naming a school more than once.


For more information go to the Kent County Council website.

For advice call 03000 41 21 21 or email


A copy of the school’s Admissions Policy for the academic years 2024/25 and 2025/26 can be found below.

Admission Appeals 

For applications made in the normal admission round, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.  For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 schools days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 schools days of the appeals being lodged.


If your child is due to start Primary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday, 16 April 2025). You needed to submit your appeal before Tuesday 20 May 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.


For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education

In Year Applications

Please complete an ‘In Year Admissions Form’ if your child currently attends a primary or junior school, or is of primary school age, and you wish to apply for a place at Jubilee Primary School during the school year.


Jubilee Primary School will co-ordinate all In-Year admissions which will be made in line with KCC’s Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary Admissions, Academic Year 2024/25. Appeals for school places will be managed through KCC.


You may send a completed copy of your form(s) to the school or email it to


Additional Information

Please view the additional pages below for further information regarding admissions and preparing children for school.

School Updates

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