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Our Curriculum

Curriculum: Intent, Implementation and the Impact


Jubilee Primary School has developed a curriculum that fulfils our vision to foster a love for learning, equip children to live life skilfully and to create positive memories. Learning at Jubilee Primary School is holistic, impacting upon all areas of children’s development, delivered by a staff team who are passionate about teaching.


We aim to develop the character of every child and equip them for lifelong learning through a broad and balanced curriculum, underpinned by our four key values: purpose, community, skilled for life and nurture. These aspects, coupled with a strong work ethic and an enriching, inspiring learning environment, make us confident that every child will achieve their best.

Intent: What are we trying to achieve through our curriculum?


1. Love for Learning: To develop a lifelong passion for learning, wherein children are encouraged to take ownership of their own learning and behaviour, understanding and accepting responsibility for their actions, working respectfully alongside pupils with differing beliefs and backgrounds. (Behaviours and Habits)


To instil in learners a holistic set of values that prepares them for life within in a diverse and ever changing community and work place as part of the modern world.


2. Equip pupils for life with the key skills, attitudes and knowledge. Raise aspirations for every pupil, both individually and as part of a thriving community, enabling children to identify, explore and realise their potential, thereby empowering them to take ownership of their learning and behaviour. (Learning)


Cultural capital


The development of linguistic skills underpins our curriculum in order to enhance the cultural capital of every child and family. By developing cognitive competencies and dispositions, we are empowering our children to be aspirational and gain a wider breadth of cultural experiences and awareness.


We endeavour to develop the appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum and beyond, so that children can be empowered to flourish, reach and exceed their potential academically, physically and artistically.  


3. Promote physical, mental and emotional well-being by providing an inspiring curriculum that explores and stimulates creativity of mind, body and spirit, by nurturing sporting, thinking and artistic talents.


Provide a ‘classroom without walls’ that encourages all pupils to strive for excellence in all endeavours. Develop sportsmanship alongside competition; critical evaluation alongside creativity; reflection alongside ingenuity.


4. Our Nature is to Nurture: A strong family ethos is central to providing an environment in which trusting relationships are cultivated, nurturing their physical, social and emotional needs, within a caring community that promotes, shares and develops key Christian values. (Moral Compass)


Facilitate the development of personal morality by nurturing spiritual growth and respect for themselves, their communities, and for the wider cultural diversity within the modern world.


Develop the behaviours learners need to succeed in the wider world, such as such as respect, integrity, compassion, honesty, service, forgiveness, putting others first, giving your best and perseverance. 


Teachers will not only encourage these values but also model them, acknowledging that pupils are more likely to emulate the behaviour that they see being modelled.


Implementation: How the curriculum is developed, delivered and evaluated effectively to promote the best possible outcomes. 


We believe in providing a broad and balanced curriculum where all subjects are valued, offering a rigorous and progressive framework that equips all pupils with a comprehensive breadth of knowledge, skills and understanding set across their primary years.


We follow the National Curriculum to provide a range of high quality learning experiences that explore, challenge and deepen thinking for all pupils. Visits, cultural and immersive experiences and enrichment activities allow pupils even greater opportunities to find and develop their individual interests and personal talents. Visitors and parents coming into school helps bolster our curriculum and deepens experiences further.


With a focus on addressing the word gap and developing linguistic competence, we ensure that every lesson is a language lesson. This includes the pre-teaching of subject specific language for key pupils; the detailed exposition to new language, its meaning and its use across all areas of the curriculum and a language rich classroom environment.


Through our Assertive Mentoring Programme, we develop metacognition and raise the aspirations of our children so that they are empowered to flourish, reach and exceed their potential. 


Impact: The outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received


Our children leave Jubilee Primary School equipped academically for the next stage of their educational journey, having developed and retained a comprehensive breadth of knowledge and skills, built upon each year, across all curriculum areas. This is monitored by Senior Leaders and subject leaders through book scrutinies, learning walks, pupil progress meetings and pupil voice. Statutory assessment procedures allow us to measure our outcomes against all schools nationally.


Our children have a love for learning and are aspirational, with the motivation and passion to continue to learn. They have an excellent understanding of how to be socially, morally and culturally responsible, and to be globally aware so that they can contribute positively to the local and wider community. They are equipped for life, understanding how to be a conscientious and upstanding citizen in a diverse and ever-changing world.

For further details and information about our curriculum, please contact the School office or telephone 01622 808873.

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