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Pupil Leadership

Junior Leadership Team


The Jubilee Junior Leadership Team comprises of 16 children. At the beginning of every school year, the children who want to be a leader have to prepare a speech to read to the entire school in a plea to get votes. Every child in the school votes and the two children in each class with the highest votes become elected.


The Junior Leadership Team meets once a week. During these meetings we discuss whole school topics and ways that we can help to make our school even better.


Our Current Projects:

  • Making improvements to the school menu.

  • Behaviour for learning


2022/23 Junior Leadership Team

Eco Committee


The Eco Committee is made up of children who submit an interest and are voted in by the class. They are supported by Mrs Leung who is the EYSF Lead and Reception Class Teacher.


They are currently working towards the Green Flag Award. They have completed an environmental review and have selected three actions to be addressed:


  • Encouraging more children to walk to school.
  • Ensure electricity is saved by appointing a responsible person to turn off lights and computers in the classroom.
  • Saving of blue paper towel.


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