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Homework is an essential element of children’s primary school education. It enables them to develop their learning at home by extending what they have learned at school, ensuring that they are secure in their understanding of key concepts and mastery of key skills.

Homework at Jubilee Primary School presents all pupils, regardless of ability, with opportunities to ‘aspire’ to work at their personal best. Teachers set a variety of activities that support, enrich, extend and challenge all pupils, with each task based on a letter from the word ASPIRE:

A: Art and design - This develops pupils’ creativity.

S: Skills - New skills may be introduced or existing skills may be reinforced

P: Practice - Regular practice of a range of key skills will improve fluency.

I: Independence - Tasks are set within pupils’ capabilities so that they can develop greater independence.

R: Revision - Existing knowledge, concepts and skills are reviewed and reinforced to secure learning

E: Excellence - Pupils are given the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding according to their abilities, extending their learning across the curriculum.

Six tasks are set at the beginning of each term so that pupils and parents together can organise how they prefer to complete them, and pupils should attempt all tasks by the end of term.



Alongside this, pupils are expected to read five times per week. Fluent reading and good comprehension skills have a key role to play in children’s learning across all areas of the curriculum. Fluency in reading is achieved through regular practice. Therefore, reading with your child provides the most beneficial support across the whole curriculum.



Each termly homework sheet also contains the weekly spellings for each class, which are reviewed or tested every Friday, depending on the age of the pupils.

The spellings contain a mixture of age appropriate common exception words or spelling rule words for each week.



Fluency in maths is also achieved through practice. Pupils are given either number bonds or multiplication tables to learn each week, in line with year group National Curriculum objectives.


To support your child with homework, set up a routine that includes a set time and place for them to work which is free from distractions. Chunk homework into manageable tasks that are achievable within reasonable time limits. Remember to praise them for their efforts. If you need any further support, please see your class teacher.

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