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Term 2


This term we have been learning more about what life in the 1950’s was like by looking at non- chronological reports. Inspired by the differences and fascinated about how life has changed over 70 decades, we have started to write our own non-chronological reports about everyday life in the 2020’s.


First, we looked at and learnt our model text with actions to help us. We learnt that children went to the cinema on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons and cowboy films for entertainment and that children had an hour and a half lunch break at school! We then planned our own non-chronological reports, including the changes we have noticed with what we now do for entertainment, what our school day is like and the clothes that we wear.


In maths, we have been adding and subtracting within 10. To help us deepen our learning and solve problems, such as finding the missing part from a whole, we have used part – whole models. This has allowed us to easily see the different values in a number sentence and solve problems.

We have used lots of different manipulatives to help us such as cubes, number lines and tens frames.


In Topic, we have been discovering what life was like in the 1950’s. We have found out that lots of things have changed in the seven decades since the 50’s including having to visit lots of different shops to be able to buy food, instead of just being able to visit one large supermarket and now having large colour televisions instead of small black and white televisions. We tried watching some black and white children’s programmes from the 1950’s!


We have also analysed maps to be able to spot how locations have changed over time since the 1950s too. What differences can you spot?


In science, German Wolves have been exploring the human senses. We learnt that we have five senses that help us to survive, keep us safe and take in information from the world around us. These are: touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight.


We tested our senses through a range of different experiments. We found out that we have two eyes to help us to see clearer than if we only had one. We tested out sense of touch to see if we could work out what object had been hidden. Finally, we tested our sense of smell to see if we could figure out what unidentified liquids were.

German Wolves have really enjoyed finding out about our senses and can’t wait to find out more!

Term 1 


I am made of glass.

I am small and round.

My centre is colourful.

Children like to play with me.

What am I?


Can you answer this riddle?


In Year 1 we have been learning riddles!  We first learnt two model riddles to help us understand what riddles were and how they were written. We enjoyed trying to work out what the riddles were describing and learning actions to help us remember the riddle. German Wolves cleverly worked out that one was describing a marble and the other a teddy bear.

We explored adjectives, as they are important when writing riddles - they help us to describe the objects to the audience. If we didn’t choose carefully, we might confuse them, and they might not guess right!


In Maths this term, we have been focusing on recognising and representing numbers to ten.

First, we practised counting forward to ten from zero. When we were confident with this, we learnt to count backwards from ten to zero. We made number tracks and used number lines to help us.

When we were secure with this, we then used this knowledge to help us with finding one more and one less of a given number. To help us we used a range of manipulatives - our favourite resource being cubes. We even began to use inequality symbols < and > to help us to write comparing sentences.


In History, we have been learning about ‘Childhood.’ We have found out about where childhood sits  within the stages of life. These are baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and elderly. We identified that we were in the childhood stage. We then delved deeper and looked at some toys from the past. Some of the toys we could recognise and some we didn’t. We did see that they were made of different materials from what we were used to such as porcelain, metal and wood, whereas our toys were mostly made of plastic. We are looking forward to finding out what ‘Childhood’ was like in the 1950’s!


In Spanish, we have been learning how to greet people and start conversations.

We learned that there are formal ways of greeting people, which we would use if we were greeting someone we did not know or someone with high authority. To say hello formally we would say “Buenos días!” whereas, if we did know the person and we were friends we could use informal language such as “Hola!”.

We have learnt different phrases such as how to introduce ourselves “Mi llamo…” as well as how to ask how someone is “Cómo estás?”. We are excited to learn more Spanish!

Term 6 - 2023/24


As part of our topic ’Under the Sea’, we have explored many storybooks such as ‘Tiddler’, ‘Commotion in the Ocean’, ‘Come Away from the Water, Shirley’ and ‘Rainbow Fish’.  We have explored how stories relate to our own experiences such as how we can be kind friends and practiced our skills with recalling stories and rhyming words.


The children have enjoyed playing in the pirate area in the classroom.  They have written messages in bottles, pirate stories and treasure maps.  The children have also enjoyed drawing their favourite sea creatures carefully referring to pictures and photographs from our encyclopaedia.


During this term, English Lions have been building on their knowledge of addition, particularly focused on number bonds to ten.  We have used different manipulatives to help us to work out number sentences.  We have learned actions to help us remember how to write a number sentence and this will help in Year 1. We have played games to help us remember number bonds.  We have also started to work on division, sharing gold coins between two pirates.  The children enjoyed mathematical activities and games. 

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