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Term 5


In Maths this term, we have covered multiplication, division and we are currently working on fractions.

During our multiplication unit we learned that in a multiplication number sentence, the numbers surrounding the multiplication symbol represent the number of groups and the number of objects in each group. These numbers are interchangeable. 5 x 4 = 20 and 4 x 5 = 20. The number of objects in total is the number by itself next to the equals sign.

During our division unit we learned that in a division number sentence, the number before the division symbol shows the whole. The numbers surrounding the equals symbol represent the number of groups and the number of objects in each group. These numbers are interchangeable. 20 ÷ 4 = 5 is the same as 20 ÷5 = 4

We also learned that multiplication and division are the opposites of each other and share related number facts, as shown in the examples below.

We have used some visual techniques to help us with multiplication and division, such as grouping and arrays:

When looking at fractions, we mastered identifying the whole and parts of different objects. We have learned what the different parts of a fraction are called: numerator and denominator. Knowing what these words mean helps us to identify the different parts of a fraction and solve problems such as ½ of a number or ¾ of a number.



In English, we studied an information text about Buckingham Palace to help us write our own information text about Leeds Castle. We are developing our descriptions using adjectives and beginning to use adverbs.





This term our topic has been ‘Magnificent Monarchs’. In French Hares, we have begun to learn about the impact of the monarchy on British History, starting as far back as AD 871 with the first King of the English, Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror in 1066, before moving on to learning about the feudal system and four other significant monarchs.  

So far, we have learned about how some periods in history are named after the royal house of the reigning monarch, and have placed our six significant monarchs onto a timeline of royal houses.

We have learned that the power of the monarch has fluctuated over time; some monarchs have had absolute power whereas others have given some or most of their power to an elected government.

We have also learned about the events portrayed in the Bayeux Tapestry showing how William the Conqueror became King of England in 1066. Did you know, the Bayeux Tapestry is not a tapestry at all as the images are embroidered onto the cloth? It is over 70 metres long – longer than our playground!




In Art, we have very much enjoyed learning about royal portraits and how monarchs have been portrayed in their portraits to show their power and wealth.

Through guided drawing sessions, we have used guidelines to help draw self portraits with the features in the correct location and proportion.


In Computing, we are using software on the learn pads along with data we have collected to create our own pictograms. We learned that it is much easier to use software for this than creating the pictograms manually by hand.

We very much enjoyed using a tally chart to collect data on the colours of cars that passed in front of the school in a five minute period. We will use this data to create our own pictograms, then answer questions about the data. 

Term 4


In English, we have been writing an adventure narrative based on the true story of Grace Darling, who helped to rescue survivors of a shipwreck. We have been writing in the first person and the past tense, aiming to add expanded noun phrases to build a picture for our readers and make our writing more interesting. We read some other adventure narratives to help build up a bank of useful words and phrases, looked at their structure (opening, build-up, problem, resolution, ending) and what happened in each part of the story. We then used this to help us write our own stories.


This term, our main topic has been ‘money’. We examined different coins and notes that we use in the United Kingdom, as well as how we can count different amounts of money to work out a total. Our knowledge of counting in twos, fives and tens has been extremely useful to total multiples of 2p, 5p, 10p and £2 coins, and £5 and £10 notes. We also began to notice the relationship between counting in twos and counting in twenties when adding multiples of 20p coins and £20 notes.

We learned that the pound sign always comes before the amount, and that the value of a coin is not always linked to its size.

We also learned the importance of knowing the difference between pounds and pence. Would you rather have 75p or £5?


Our topic has been ‘Materials’, we have studied the difference between a material and its properties, and linked a material’s properties to its use. We have conducted some tests as part of this project.

The first test was about how easy or difficult it is to shape various materials, such as clay, sponge, a metal knife and plastic from a milk bottle. We discovered that some materials can keep their shape once squeezed, bent or pressed, like clay, and some revert back to their original shape, like sponge.

Our most recent test has been investigating the strength, texture and absorbency of some different types of paper. We learned that although paper is one type of material, it can have many forms with different properties. 


We have continued to base our studies on Whitstable this term.

We looked at maps of Whitstable, then at maps of Whitby in North Yorkshire, using the symbols on the map to spot similarities and differences between the two locations. 

We learned about the tourist amenities in Whitstable, such as accommodation, catering and entertainment. We thought about whether (in summer!) Whitstable would be a good location for a holiday based on these three amenities.

French Hares were particularly interested to compare locations in Whitstable that we visited in January with how they looked in the past.

Look carefully at the buildings in the photos – some of them are the same!

Term 3


In English we have been writing coastal descriptions. The focus has been writing in the present tense and using adjectives to describe nouns. We have worked hard in our grammar sessions to identify nouns, verbs and adjectives, and can create our own noun phrases. First, we learned a model text about a coastal settlement, then we worked together to make our own changes, inspired by our visit to Whitstable or our own experiences.


Shape has been our focus in Maths, working on identifying the faces, edges and vertices in 2D and 3D shapes, recognising and continuing repeating patterns and symmetrical patterns.

Through this topic, French Hares have developed a greater fluency in using the key vocabulary of faces, edges and vertices, and recalling key properties of both 2D and 3D shapes.

One of our reasoning challenges this term has been to compare a cube with a cuboid, being able to express the similarities between the two shapes and use the key vocabulary to identify the differences.


In addition to learning geographical terminology linked to coastlines, we have also had a focus on map work, learning to use a key to identify features on a map of the United Kingdom and on a map of a coastal town. We have used compass points to help us identify the location of towns and cities in the United Kingdom.

Our topic work has led to some interesting discussions about whether some coastal features are human or physical, such as caves and forests. If a forest has been planted by a human, is it still a physical feature? Are all caves naturally formed?


French Hares have really enjoyed their recent ‘Bajo El Mar’ (Under the Sea) topic, where we learned the names of some sea creatures in Spanish along with an action that the animal might do. For example, el cangrejo chasquea sus pinzas (the crab clicks its pincers). French Hares always sing the action song at the end of each lesson with great enthusiasm! We have just begun our ‘En la Selva’ (in the Jungle) topic and we are looking forward to learning some more animal names and singing a new song.

Term 2

French Hares have very much enjoyed their ‘Movers and Shakers’ topic and have learned a great deal about a range of significant people and why they are significant.



In our History learning, we studied some significant explorers such as Vasco de Gama and Roald Amundsen, and discussed how exploration has changed over time. We have learned about some famous activists such as Martin Luther King Jr and Malala Yousafzai, and placed them on a timeline.


We followed this up during Jubilee University, and each gave a short  presentation to the class about who we each believed to be the most significant person and why.


In English we wrote a newspaper report about the race to the moon. We watched some videos to help us imagine we witnessed the launch at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida on 16th July 1969. Through this writing we learned about the past tense and the past progressive tense, making sure we had the key information about who was involved, where the event happened, what happened why it happened and when it happened.


Our most recent English topic has been writing a persuasive poster to help us learn the four sentence types; statement, command, question and exclamation. The original model text was about Emmeline Pankhurst and her campaign for votes for women. We then adapted this to write about Rosa Parks and the campaign for equal rights for all.


In Maths, we have been working on developing a secure understanding of addition and subtraction with a range of two-digit numbers.


We have continued to work on the stem sentence ‘I know that a part add a part is equal to the whole’ using a ‘putting together’ action to help us remember that this is the structure of an addition number sentence.


For subtraction we have used a ‘taking away/taking apart’ action with the words ‘I know that the whole subtract a part is equal to a part’. We have also learned that when one number or quantity is taken away from the other, the number remaining is the difference. We enjoyed watching Numberblocks ‘What’s the Difference?’ to help us remember this.

These stem sentences are particularly useful when working out how to solve questions like 17 – ? = 9; we can colour code the parts and whole to help us work out the answer.


We have also continued to build our Maths fluency by counting in twos, threes, fives and tens and ensuring we can speedily recall number bonds to ten.




‘Human Survival’ has been the focus of our Science learning this term. We have looked at the human life cycle and some of the processes that occur during our lives, such as birth, growth and reproduction.

We further developed our understanding of food groups and looked at what a balanced diet should contain. It has been pleasing to hear children apply this knowledge at lunchtimes, for example saying that they will choose more salads or vegetables so that they are eating enough from this food group.

Term 1


This term, our topic focus has been ‘Movers and Shakers’; learning about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world.

So far, we have learned about Rosa Parks, Mary Anning, Mahatma Gandhi and Neil Armstrong, using timelines and other historical sources to find out more.

We used Dawson’s Model of Significance, which gives five statements to help us decide who was the most significant person and who had the biggest impact on the world. These are:

  1. They made big changes in their lifetime
  2. They made lots of people’s lives better or worse
  3. They changed the way people think
  4. Their ideas are still used today
  5. They were a good or bad role model


We are looking forward to learning more about significant activists in Term 2!


In English, we have been studying biographies. A biography is a written history of a person’s life.

First we learned about Mahatma Gandhi and how he inspired people to protest peacefully. We used story maps and actions to support our sequencing and recall of this information. “If you can say it, you can write it!” is our class mantra!

We then innovated on this to write a biography of another famous activist; Rosa Parks. We remembered to write in the past tense, write in chronological order, underline titles and subheadings and include important events in each part of their life, with dates.

We have now begun studying newspaper reports, learning about the Apollo 11 mission that took Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins to the moon.


In Science, we have been investigating different animals and their habitats. We learnt that a habitat is where living things such as plants and animals live and include all the things that they need to survive such as shelter, food and water. We then tried to identify different plants and animals by studying their features and using spotter guides. We learned about how plants and animals are adapted to living in their habitats. We very much enjoyed making paper moths to show how camouflage can help them to avoid being eaten.

We also discussed how living things depend on one another for food by making food chains. All food chains start with a producer; a plant.


We have really enjoyed our music lessons. During the first unit ‘Ourselves’ we learned about vocal sounds and body percussion, using these to help us sing ‘If You’re Feeling Blue,’ and the call-and-response song, ‘John Kanaka’.

We have now begun a new ‘water’ topic which will focus on pitch and musical score. We learned that music notes can be shown by letters and symbols which help to show their pitch and duration. With a focus on pitch, we tried singing the ‘Slippery Fish’ song, joining in with the pitch actions shown in the photo.


We have very much enjoyed colour mixing this term, learning how primary colours can be mixed in different quantities to produce a range of hues.

We then applied this knowledge to help us make our fundraising Christmas cards by painting trees in hues of green that we had mixed ourselves.

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