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Poetry Day - 9th November 2018

Jubilee Primary School celebrated poetry with a day of activities and a fantastic recital. In class, children examined language techniques as well as performance poetry giving them a better understanding of different forms of poetry, as well as discussing words and phrases that capture a reader’s imagination and interest. Children across the school then began our termly poetry recital by performing poems that they had learnt in class during Term One to the rest of the school.  We saw amazing performances from all classes, including a poem about beginning school from our confident reception class to a moving performance by African Elephants of ‘In Flanders Field’. Children across the school showed their skill in using expression, intonation and movement to fully entertain the engaged audience. The children explained their understanding of the poems they recited and the poetic techniques that they had learned, including the use of alliteration and onomatopoeia.

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