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World Book Day - Wednesday 6th March

Evidence shows that children who read, or are read to, develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures. This is the reason for reading being given such importance here at Jubilee Primary School. We celebrated World Book Day with a whole range of activities around reading!

Throughout the week we had a book fair in school, which provided parents with the opportunity of purchasing books for their children and raising money for the school at the same time. This was a huge success so please look out for information on exactly how much we raised to spend on books for our school!

We also had a visit from local author, Nicola Parkhouse. She discussed how we can achieve our dreams if we work hard and believe in ourselves. She read us her stories and inspired our own creativity.

We also took part in a whole school project. The school were introduced to the story of ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward. This is an interesting story about dreams and making the best out of what you have. We began by inferring meaning from just the front cover. We then took this and wrote our own blurb about what the book could be. The children enjoyed studying this book and created some wonderful writing from this fantastic stimulus. The school also took part in a whole school art project. We created our very own tin forest with each class contributing to a part of it. See our fantastic work on display in the school!

Finally, we all dressed up as our favourite book characters. With two book fair vouchers up for grabs, it was extremely difficult to judge as there were so many fantastic costumes! Well done to our class winners Nina, Amelia, George and Joshua. Congratulations to our overall winners Rose and Wingzee for their wonderful ‘Aslan’ and ‘Miss Trunchball’ costumes.

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