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Equipped for Life learning - Jubilee University

As part of our Equipped for Life learning, our theme for Jubilee University during Term 3 was ‘Healthy Living.’ Over the course of the week, Canadian Bears took part in many activities, exploring how we can lead a healthy lifestyle. On a daily basis, we challenged ourselves to:

  • Drink 6-8 glasses
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables
  • Be active for at least 60 minutes
  • Make one positive change


We kept a record of our achievements and tried to improve or beat our previous days’ results.

We also took part in the 15m Bleep test. Most of us could only reach level 2 or 3 on the first day but by the end of the week we were beating our scores! Maxwell made it to level 9! A very impressive achievement!


We also had Warburton’s in to teach us about food safety and how bread is made. They taught us about Mr and Mrs Warburton and how they created their brand. We got to make yummy sandwiches too!

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