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Jubilee University - Italian Ibex


Italian Ibex spent Jubilee University Week considering what they would like to be when they grow up. The children showed a great understanding of the steps they need to take to achieve their goals. On Tuesday, we spent the day exploring the concept of ‘Growth Mindset’, and we learned about the struggles some very successful people, such as Albert Einstein, went through before accomplishing their ambitions.


We had great fun when set the task of ‘rescuing’ every member of our team and crossing ‘the river’ (school playground). We could only use a skipping rope and two ‘lily pads’ and only one person at a time could balance on them. This required lots of patience, team-work and lateral thinking!


During the week Italian Ibex were extremely lucky to be visited by local professionals each day. We spoke to policemen and women, a musician, an artist, business people and even two scientists who gave each of us a small piece of strawberry DNA to take home!


The highlight of our week was becoming teachers for the day. Miss Birkby was so proud of Italian Ibex for the consideration and preparation that went into their maths lessons for Spanish Bulls. The children planned and delivered their lessons thoughtfully and were amazing teachers and role models!


Well done Italian Ibex for all your hard work this week. We have really explored the working world. I hope you achieve your dreams.

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